Born in Spisske Podhradie, Alexej Lux was an important sculptor of his time. Studing in Budapest, Vienna and Munich, Lux also taught at an artistic-industrial school in Budapest. His masterpieces are placed in Paris, Budapest, and Amsterdam as well as in the cemetery in Spisske Podhradie and in the town of Spisska Nova Ves.
(born 07/10/1860 in Spisske Podhradie – died 20/12/1934 in Budapest) He was an extraordinary student who studied at the grammar school in the towns of Klastor pod Znievom, Eger and Levoca. Hutyra studied veterinary medicine at the university in Budapest. Then he studied in Vienna, Berlin, Paris and Munich. As a member of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, he lectured pathological anatomy, hygiene of flesh and forensic medicine and dealt with the research of contagious diseases of domestic animals.
As a famous Slovak scientist, Harmatta conducted business in Spisske Podhradie. He established factory that produced spikes, chains and iron barrels and employed approximately 200 workers. He was instrumental in installation of an electric current in the town. Jan Harmatta was an author of many inventions dealing with welding and processing of semi-finished products. The most famous is resistance point spot-welding. He was granted a patent on his invention in the USA. This invention is still used when producing bodyworks of cars. There is his memorial room in Spisske Podhradie. It is possible to enter Jan Harmatta´s room with the TIC employee.
(born 02/04/1896 in Spisske Podhradie – died 30/10/1954 in Presov) He was born as one of seven siblings and his father worked as chapter´s woodman. Young Jozef attended Roman-catholic folk school in the native town – Spisske Podhradie, later he attended grammar school in Levoca where he started considering priesthood. Consequently, Spirko began his study in a small seminary in the town of Roznava and in 1917-1918 he continued studying in the Spis Chapter House.
(born 28/12/1898 in Spisske Podhradie – died 08/12/1980 in Spisske Podhradie) Young Stefan Cisko attended today´s J. Francisci-Rimavsky´s grammar school in Levoca. Then he continued studying at Teaching Institute in the Spis Chapter House that was very significant at that time. He finished his studies in 1919 and became director of People´s School in the village of Nemesany as a young teacher.
Today's name day Tim, Timmy, Timothy, Conan, Thora, Titus