There are almost 55km of cycling routes in the vicinity of the Spis Castle. 15 villages of the micro region called the Spis Castle – Podbranisko and the town of Spisske Podhradie took part in the project - „Vitajte na cyklotrasách v okolí Spišského hradu (Welcome to the cycling routes in the vicinity of the Spis Castle)“. There are 4 cycling routes. The first one is marked with the red colour and it leads from Dubrava through Parsiva to Sedlo. It is the longest route being 15.8 km long. The blue cycling route leads from Spisske Podhradie to the village of Pavlany being 15.4 km long. The same-coloured route from the village of Zehra to the village of Vysny Slavkov is 14 km long. It is the route with the highest, up to 850 m high vertical distance. The green route being 9 km long offers the view on the beauties of the region from Spisske Podhradie to the boarding house Sarvanec near the Branisko tunnel.
There is a falconry centre near the Spis Castle in Spisske Podhradie. Tourists can visit it during tourist season. It is a unique falconry centre in the area of Eastern Slovakia. There are eagles, falcons, goshawks, collies, owls, Common Raven and others. The raptors come from artificial breeding from Slovakia and foreign countries. There is also a Mexican goshawk. The falconry centre is being supplemented with new birds continuously. There are benches for visitors to enjoy and watch falconers with the birds, and know their way of life and the meaning of their protection.
Because of the suitable conditions for paragliding, there are many enthusiasts of this adrenaline sport in the surroundings of Spisske Podhradie. People interested in paragliding meet annually in the village of Dubrava (Branisko mountain range) and at Ostra Hora provided there are good meteorological conditions.
This educational route starts in Siva Brada, continues through travertine mound called Pazica, the Spis Chapter Houser, the town of Spisske Podhradie, the Spis Castle, travertine mound Sobotisko, travertine mound called Ostra Hora and ends in the National Nature Reserve Drevenik. The surroundings of Spisske Podhradie is very valuable from natural, land and cultural-historical point of view. The appearance of travertines attracted the attention of natural scientists and visitors. There are many well-preserved cultural monuments.
On the north slope of the Spis Castle is a geoglyph of a stylized Celtic horse from the coin found in the Spis Castle. The geoglyph is a picture or a pictograph on land depicting a figure or an ornament. It is a structure of an enormous size. Andrew Roger, the author of this geoglyph, is an Australian artist and sculptor who implements geoglyphs of the present time all over the world. The geoglyph next to the Spis Castle was his first European piece of work. It was implemented as a part of a Rhythm of Life series. Being 100 m wide and 70 m long, this geoglyph was put together from loosely placed travertine boulders. 3000 tones of travertine were used; the construction took two weeks and approximately 140 workers worked on it. The total value of the travertine used for the construction of the Celtic Horse reached 330 000 €.
Today's name day Tim, Timmy, Timothy, Conan, Thora, Titus