Male singing group from Dubrava formed a team of passionate guys for whom folk music and singing their favorite hobby. Their voices to conquer and captivate the audience at various events in the Spis region and the surrounding area since 2006. Typical Gubov polyphonic songs are songs from Dubrava and the surrounding area but also from other parts of Slovakia. Seek and maintain mostly older and now little-known folk songs of our grandfathers and fathers.
Korčaškare incurred by 28 December 2006 as a priority, male singing group Accordion accompaniment. The village Jablonov until then had historically preserved folk traditions, and thus act to establish a folklore group was an important milestone in the modern history of the village folklore and culture in general. The current number of active members is 11 singers and 2 accordionist. The basic repertoire of songs based on which they prespievali older inhabitants of the village. Another source are witnesses of forgotten songs from nearby Spiš region. Repertoire for several years of the group gradually expanded. Singers were improved and Korčaškare currently have a wide range of songs with themes describing the different situations of life of our ancestors (wedding, humor, military, and of course about women). Group name has historical roots since time immemorial inhabitants of Jablonova called "korčaškare" (korčašek - thus opening a small pocket knife).